The Life-changing Hands-Free Law Georgia

Georgia resident, thrilled about hands-free law. Game-changer road safety. Dive details law impact lives.

What hands-free law?

The hands-free law in Georgia prohibits drivers from holding or supporting a wireless telecommunications device or stand-alone electronic device while operating a vehicle. This includes texting, making phone calls, and using social media while driving.

Impact road safety

According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, in the first year of the hands-free law, there was a 22% decrease in fatalities from traffic accidents. Statistic speaks volumes positive impact law road safety.

Case study: The city of Atlanta

After the hands-free law was implemented, the city of Atlanta saw a significant decrease in the number of accidents caused by distracted driving. In fact, the number of accidents decreased by 35% in the first year alone. Clear indicator effective law reducing accidents road.

Penalties violations

Drivers caught violating the hands-free law can face fines, points on their driver`s license, and even suspension of their driving privileges. The severity of the penalties reflects the state`s commitment to enforcing this law and ensuring road safety for all residents.

Compliance awareness

Law enforcement agencies have been proactive in educating the public about the hands-free law. Led high level compliance among Georgia drivers. According to a survey conducted by the Georgia Governor`s Office of Highway Safety, 90% of drivers are aware of the hands-free law and have adjusted their behavior accordingly.

The hands-free law in Georgia is a remarkable step towards making our roads safer. Its impact on reducing accidents and saving lives cannot be overstated. As a resident, I am proud to see the positive changes brought about by this law and look forward to seeing further improvements in road safety.

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Unraveling the Hands-Free Law in Georgia

Question Answer
1. What is the hands-free law in Georgia? The hands-free law in Georgia prohibits drivers from holding or supporting a wireless telecommunications device or stand-alone electronic device while operating a vehicle.
2. What are the penalties for violating the hands-free law in Georgia? For a first offense, the penalty is a fine of $50. Subsequent offenses carry increasing fines and can result in points on the driver`s license.
3. Are exceptions hands-free law Georgia? Yes, there are exceptions for using a device for navigation, for reporting a traffic accident or medical emergency, and for using a device in a hands-free manner.
4. Can I use a hands-free device while driving in Georgia? Yes, you are allowed to use a hands-free device to make phone calls and use other features while driving.
5. Can I use my phone at a red light or stop sign? No, hands-free law applies times vehicle motion stop sign red light.
6. Can I use my phone in a parking lot? Yes, allowed use phone parking lot long vehicle properly parked motion.
7. Can I use a smartwatch while driving in Georgia? Yes, allowed use smartwatch long configured hands-free use held supported driver.
8. Can I text or email while driving if I am using voice-to-text technology? No, texting and emailing while driving is prohibited regardless of the use of voice-to-text technology.
9. Are there any additional restrictions under the hands-free law in Georgia? Yes, the law also prohibits watching videos or movies on a device while driving, as well as recording or broadcasting videos.
10. How can I safely use my phone while driving in compliance with the hands-free law? Safest set navigation music beginning drive, use hands-free device phone calls, pull over safe location need use phone additional tasks.


Welcome to the Hands-Free Law Georgia Contract

This contract outlines the legal obligations and responsibilities related to the hands-free law in the state of Georgia. Please review terms conditions carefully.

Contract Terms Conditions

Article 1 – Definitions
1.1 « Hands-Free Law » refers to the law in Georgia that prohibits the use of handheld devices while driving.
1.2 « Driver » refers to any individual operating a motor vehicle on the roads of Georgia.
1.3 « Enforcement Agency » refers to the law enforcement authorities responsible for enforcing the hands-free law in Georgia.
Article 2 – Compliance with Hands-Free Law
2.1 The Driver agrees to comply with the hands-free law at all times while operating a motor vehicle in Georgia.
2.2 The Driver acknowledges that the use of handheld devices, such as mobile phones, for texting or calling is prohibited while driving.
Article 3 – Penalties Violations
3.1 The Driver understands that violations of the hands-free law may result in fines and penalties imposed by the Enforcement Agency.
3.2 The Driver agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Enforcement Agency from any liabilities arising from violations of the hands-free law.
Article 4 – Governing Law
4.1 This contract shall be governed by the laws of the state of Georgia.
4.2 Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through arbitration in the state of Georgia.

By signing below, the Driver acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this contract.